Frog 8 was published in February 2009. Both American fashion photographer and artist Collier Schorr and English artist Wolfgang Tillmans did a specific self-portrait for two different covers.

The issue features an extensive COLLIER SCHORR interview by Frog’s editor in chief ERIC TRONCY, while Italian critic and curator ANDREA VILIANI interviewed mysterious artist ROBERTO CUOGHI who happened to give us what is probably his only self portrait ever, as well as a specific photographic project after his show at ICA London.

French curator and Le Consortium Art Centre co-director FRANCK GAUTHEROT’s critical text on NANCY SPECTOR’s Theanyspacewhatever at Guggenheim: a show that was supposed to be THE show of a generation that will eventually have to wait for another one to be properly dealt with.

With issue 8 of Frog we decided to acknowledge our interest in architecture – a discipline that has a lot in common with contemporary visual arts. For his debuts as associate editor for architecture, French architect and urbanist SIMON DE DREUILLE wrote on Dutch architecture team FAT and asked French urbanist —and extraordinary writer— FRANCOIS DECOSTER to look at the 11th Venice Architecture Biennial. Paris based architect ERWAN BONDUELLE & ANTHONY JAMMES (now working at GRAU Paris, the agency they created a few years later) explored SANAA/KAZUO SEJIMA & RYUE NISHISAWA’s architectural project for The New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York. Frog regular contributor photographer MARINA FAUST celebrates in this issue the 20th anniversary of MAISON MARTIN MARGIELA with an exclusive portfolio, while PIERRE EVEN pictures the RON ARAD show at the Pompidou Centre. Now regular contributor SEUNG DUK KIM takes us to great historical artist LYNDA BENGLIS’s home with a very unique pictures series – and saves the interview for the next issue!


Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster

Tate Modern, Londres

par Eric Troncy

Francis Bacon

Tate Britain, Londres

par Pierre-Nicolas Bounakoff


Tate Modern, Londres

par Marie de Brugerolle

Roberto Cuoghi

The ICA, Londres

par Stéphanie Moisdon

Carsten Höller

The Double Club, Londres

par Julie Boukobza

Jeff Koons

Château de Versailles

par Eric Troncy

Wolfgang Tillmans

Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris

par Elisabeth Lebovici

Wolfgang Tillmans

Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris

par Ida Soulard



The Villa, Hoogvliet, Rotterdam

par Simon de Dreuille

XXè biennale d’architecture de Venise

par François Decoster

SANAA/Kazuo Sejima, Ryue Nishisawa

The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York

par Erwan Bonduelle & Anthony Jammes

Sou Fujimoto,

T House, Gunma,

House N, Oita

par Susanne Eliasson



Palais de Tokyo, Paris

par Arnaud Viviant

Florian & Michael Quistrebert

Galerie Crevecœur, Paris

par Yves Brochard

Haimo Zobernig

Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris

par Bernard Blistène

Delphine Coindet

Domaine de Chamarande

par Pierre Tillet


Le Moulin, Boissy-le-Châtel

par Jean-Marie Gallais

“50 Moons Of Saturn”


par Dorothée Dupuis

Manifesta 7

Museion, Bolzano

par Alessandra Sandrolini

The anyspacewhatever

Guggenheim Museum, New York

par Franck Gautherot


Lynda Benglis

par Seungduk Kim

Ron Arad

par Pierre Even

Richard Prince

par Grégory Cardon

Martin Margiela

par Marina Faust


The anyspacewhatever

Guggenheim Museum, New York

par Jesse Seegers


Collier Schorr

par Eric Troncy

Roberto Cuoghi

par Stéphanie Moisdon

Alex Katz

par Eric Troncy

Trisha Donnelly

par Stéphanie Moisdon & Bruce Hainley

André Morin

par Fabian Stech